
v4.0.0 is the fourth feature-complete version of Labirint


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Release notes

Added ASCII-logo

Added menu

Added leaderboard (Top-10 matches)

Auto-generated release notes here

v4.1.0 Release notes 22 March 2022

Graphic is now more fluent, the pawn is now refreshed also on moves

You can find the complete changelog here


Open main.exe in your command prompt

Insert your name with capital letter

Insert how many lines should pass between two bonus

Insert the max lenght of the clouds

Insert the color:

Move your pawn with:

Z-mode with:

Enabling Z-mode will cost one Z Fuel (@) and will give 10 frames of immunity from obstacles

The amount of Z Fuel and of Z Frames left will be shown in the down-left corner of the terminal

When you hit * you lose

When you hit - you lose

When you hit $ you get 10 points

When you hit @ you get 1 Z Fuel

When you hit # you allow the Pac Man effect

When you lose enter a character and press ENTER for a new game

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